
Our precious daughter, Kirby, we are going to get!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

The End Result…Not So Hot

So after surgery we had an MRI that showed the left hip had stayed in socket during casting, but the right had already fallen out.  We were okay with this because we had shown up today only expecting the left side to be fixed and it was without any bones being cut!
Fast forward three long weeks of being in a huge cast and while Kirby had a fabulous attitude, mine was lacking sometimes.  She weighed 45 pounds and couldn't so much as roll over so we had to carry her everywhere and help her do everything.  It was so hard to see her lose her independence.  It was also hard to go potty (she peed on me three different times while we figured out how to make it work!) and sleep.  The lack of sleep was definitely weighing on everyone.  We went to the doctor where I just knew he would tell me how fabulous things were and how I was the best mommy for finding bloomers that matched her cast and instead it all crashed down.
When Dr. Horowitz walked in the room, you could sense that things were not great.  Even Kirby gave him a yucky look and would only shake his hand, no hugs or smiles!  Her hip had fallen out and we are back to square one.  I held it together through cutting off the cast and until we got to the car and then cried and acted like a toddler.  It was such a bummer.  We've been out of the cast a week and while she's not walking yet, she is the happiest little girl who thinks most everything is funny, especially sleeping on her belly.
The silver lining in all of this is that she will have a much easier cast to work with for the next 2 surgeries.  She will only be in those casts a total of 12 weeks instead of 16.  We get a special potty with the next cast so I don't have to hear "Oh Mommy!" when she goes to the bathroom.  She will fit in her car seat and stroller comfortably so we can easily leave the house.  And she can sleep on her stomach so we are all happy!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

We're Home!

So the procedure yesterday was partially successful.  Kirby's left hip stayed in socket and has great blood flow, while the right hip fell out during casting.  We won't know for about three weeks if the left hip will stay permanently, but we are hoping!  They didn't have to cut any bones so she is home and recovering instead of hanging in the hospital.  If the left legs stays, we will then try again with the right leg in about 6 weeks.
We are a funny looking group now with a sweet girl that has two hot pink legs cast wide open.  She has a harness to ride in the car and it's quite difficult.  We have a wagon for moving around the house and a beanbag to sit it.  I promise to post pictures soon of these various mini-adventures.
Thank you for all the love yesterday as we went through the craziness!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Prayers Please!

We are about to embark on another part of this journey and I am not too excited about it.  Kirby is having surgery on her left hip tomorrow because it is out of socket.  Her right hip also has the same issue and it will be repaired in June when I am finished with this school year.
A little background on Kirby: she was diagnosed with Manus Valga when she was a baby which means "club hands".  Many people have heard of club feet and it is the same except for hands.  When we received all of her medical reports, the only diagnosis listed was with her hands.  She completed 2 years of physical therapy to correct the problem and it is as good as it will get.  We've had her evaluated here and we will go back for a follow up in August, but things look great on that front.  The diagnosis was incorrect (she actually has radioulnar stenotosis meaning the bones in the forearm are fused at the top) but the effect is the same and therefore so is the treatment.
When we met her on Gotcha Day, the orphanage director gave us a baby book of Kirby.  We have some neat pictures that will be treasured forever.  The interesting thing is that in one picture, she has braces on her legs and in another, she is using a walker to walk.  There is also one pictured captioned, "My first steps on my own."  All of these things make me think that they knew there were concerns about her legs, but none of them were shared with us.
In the deepest part of my heart, I'm so thankful that they didn't know or tell because it would have kept her from being matched with us.  We were on the list for 1 need and her hands and legs together would have been 2 needs.  And I can promise you she is as much a McIver as I am and belongs in our family so God knew what he was doing when keeping the secret.
Warning: I'm going to get scientific and descriptive about surgery! This leads us to tomorrow.  The doctor will cut out 2-3cm of her thigh bone and then rejoin the two parts with a plate and screw.  Her socket is shallow so they will then carve some of the bone out to make room for her thigh bone to sit in the right place.  Finally, they need to open her hips because they are too closed to hold the bone so they will break it and then wedge the piece from her thigh bone in there to keep it open.
After surgery, she will be in a spica cast for 8 weeks.  This is a double-leg cast with a metal bar in between to hold everything in place.  It also goes up and around her waist  so she will be uncomfortable for a while.  And remember we get to do it all again in June:)
So please pray and send lots of positive love our direction Wednesday.  We appreciate every last bit of support and love each of you tremendously!

Saturday, January 4, 2014

It's All Fun and Games Until...

It really has gone back to being all fun and games until she doesn't get sleep.  But we're on a roll with that right now!!
The fun and games sort of happen at home with me during the day, but they really get going when D gets home.  He has taught her all kinds of naughty things and even more amazing things.  She will mimic anything he does and repeats everything he says.  He is going to have to watch his words!!
She has learned how to sign "I love you" and give thumbs up if we have done something correct.  Yes, she gives us the thumbs up for "performing" correctly.  She has learned to count to three and he is working on 1-5.  Today I heard her saying her ABCs as he lead the song.
He also taught her how to give wet willies and I was the unfortunate victim.  I had to play along and then react so that she knows it is hilarious and gets a response from people.  He also taught her to blow the wrapper off a straw and how to shoot spit wads.  It was priceless when she tricked him by keeping the wad in her mouth and then spitting it at him.  He didn't know she had kept it and it totally caught him off guard.
So things are fun around here for the most part and we hope they are at your home too!