
Our precious daughter, Kirby, we are going to get!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

We're Home!

So the procedure yesterday was partially successful.  Kirby's left hip stayed in socket and has great blood flow, while the right hip fell out during casting.  We won't know for about three weeks if the left hip will stay permanently, but we are hoping!  They didn't have to cut any bones so she is home and recovering instead of hanging in the hospital.  If the left legs stays, we will then try again with the right leg in about 6 weeks.
We are a funny looking group now with a sweet girl that has two hot pink legs cast wide open.  She has a harness to ride in the car and it's quite difficult.  We have a wagon for moving around the house and a beanbag to sit it.  I promise to post pictures soon of these various mini-adventures.
Thank you for all the love yesterday as we went through the craziness!

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