
Our precious daughter, Kirby, we are going to get!

Thursday, December 19, 2013

A Billion People...that's million with a B

So we are settling in nicely and we are pretty much convinced she's ours. It's wild to think of how many things make her seem just like she is our biological child.  She has the longest eyelashes and eats everything we give her.  She has her own opinions and loves to talk.  Today she was so comfortable shopping and when her bow fell out, she promptly handed it back to me to put it back in.  She loves a schedule and goes to bed early.
The only thing that makes us wonder if she's really ours is her unabashed love for everything to be perfectly in its place and clean.  If we take something out, she plays with it and then returns it to its place.  If we drop so much as a grain of rice (which is just about every meal) we must stop eating to clean it up.
Each moment she is becoming more comfortable and we keep seeing her personality shine.  We took her to dinner with the other families last night and she loved it.  She sat through the entire meal and didn't fuss once.  She watches other people to see what is happening and is a great eater.
 We see some things that we think are the result of living in an orphanage, but Nothing terrible.  She feeds herself, dresses herself (head-to-toe including shoes) and tries to bathe and lotion herself independently. She also blows her nose and wipes her mouth on her own and will do it even after we've done it for her.  It's not that I'm sad she can do these things, but it's ahead of most kids her age.  She also will eat everything in front of her until we stop.  She will ask for thirds and finishes everything on her plate.  She wants approval when she's finished.  If food isn't cut up, she will eat huge bites and has to be stopped. She also has figured out how to hide toys and things. It's a survival tactic and I'm sure one day she will use these survival skills to become a great leader and independent thinker, but I also wish that we could have done these things for her and she didn't have to grow up so fast.
I imagine that I'll wish she doesn't grow up so fast many times over the next 100 years.

The photos wouldn't load correctly so you got to look at a bunch of letters and no pictures this'll survive.

1 comment:

  1. I can't tell you how happy I am to read your posts!!!! I love that you speak so comfortably as a mom, and the love you have for Kirby is evident in every word! Can't wait to meet her, the pictures are perfect!

    Kristi K.
