
Our precious daughter, Kirby, we are going to get!

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Hugo's Replacement is cuter and quieter!

We have made it to the land of 15 million people and it feels much more commercialized and Western than Wuhan. It isn't near as polluted, but this only means you can see about three city blocks instead of one. We had a late night flight and she was amazing.  She cried a little at the end but only out of total exhaustion. And she has adjusted to our new hotel great as well.
These are weird concerns, but when you have a kiddo that has moved around without a consistent caregiver, it makes sense.  We found out right before we left Wuhan that she had only been at the orphanage since August. This means that she has had three different "homes" and a multitude of caregivers in her two and a half years. She has bonded to us like we never could have imagined especially understanding her background.

Today she had her visa medical check and she was a rock star.  There weren't any tears from her throughout the process and she greeted every doctor with a wave and a "Hi!" At the very end, they draw blood to test for TB and they do it in a room without the parents.  She cried when they started to close the door (another great sign she is attaching to us) and came running to us when they finished.  The tears lasted only until we could get snacks out of the bag.

We also took her out for American food at a cafe next to the hotel.  She only liked the scrambled eggs and French fries and passed on chicken nuggets.  She also passes on all seafood except salmon which is fine with me! Today she also stopped eating before she cleared her plate.  It seems like she has learned that there will always be enough food and that we will find something she enjoys eating. These signs of comfort mean a lot to a mom!


  1. I am not surprised in the least to her attaching to 2 amazing people who love her and offer undivided attention to her wants and needs. Prayer has and continues to cover ALL of you so it makes perfect sense she is realizing -these people love me in a very special unconditional way! Your already showing every sign of parenting being second nature. God prepared Kirby and the McIvers- He knew from conception or before exactly where she belonged. Don't look back only forward to joy, hope and a future that children fill with more than you can imagine. Pics aren't showing up. I miss seeing you all!

  2. I'm loving the updates!! I'm so glad the first family photos came through. I haven't been able to see the others, but that is just more to look forward to! I hope you guys have a WONDERFUL 1st Christmas with Kirby! :) :) :) Sending you lots of love!
