
Our precious daughter, Kirby, we are going to get!

Friday, December 20, 2013

Kirby Rin or Kirby Lin

Our little copycat is ours  according to the Chinese government.  Yesterday we went to the notary and did a final check of papers before filing them.  It was so neat to see the adoption decree with our family picture and information, but as with all great things in parenthood, there seem to be the occasional tiny sad things.
The paperwork begins with her name before adoption and then her name after.  The very next line says, "Identity: Foundling" my heart broke that her government will forever identify her as such. I wish the identity had been so personal and said something like abandoned because while she was supposed to be a McIver, it was not her fault that she was left to be found.
Enough of the sad stuff, yesterday was great.  We went to the Yellow Crane Tower which is famous in China for legends and poetry.  We also went to another local restaurant. In both places, people stopped us to tell us that she was the most beautiful baby they had seen.  One woman asked if she could take a picture of her because of her beauty.
We also watched her figure out which lid fit which bottle without help.  She watches us do things and then does them the same. We've mastered blowing kisses and copying all of Douglas' silly faces. She also will ask for help by taking our hand and putting it on whatever she needs help with.  If Douglas "can't" remember how to do it with his right hand, she gets his left hand to do it.  She is training us so well! (And I promised Douglas that won't be obnoxious for too much longer and brag about her daily)
Today we pack up to leave for Guangzhou which is the final step on this journey.  There we will meet with the US consulate and get her visa for entry into the States. And one week from today we will be adventuring home.

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