
Our precious daughter, Kirby, we are going to get!

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Asbestos ain't got nothin on smog

It's wild to think that this sweet little crib will be filled tomorrow night. We hope it's filled with a sweet little girl having sweet little dreams, but the reality of her whole world is about to change. I cannot imagine her fears and sadness as all she has known is taken in a minute and replaced with unfamiliar faces, voices, and things.  As we have taken time to enjoy our last Friday night as a couple and our last Saturday morning lounging around, we wonder if Kirby can understand and grasp what her last morning at the orphanage means and if her feelings match ours.  Probably not, but we also know that with time she will hopefully grow to love what her normal is.

Today was great and we spent it with another couple, Karen and Jeff, who are picking up their little son, Jeremy at the same time and from the same area.  He is almost as precious as Kirby and I can only say that because I'm her mom and that's totally allowed, right?! This is their first child and they hail from Chicago. We have loved hearing their story and sharing ours as we begin this chapter together.
As we walked around we were bombarded by a group of Chinese students who are studying English at the university.  They asked to take a picture and you would have thought we were celebrities the way they treated us.  Douglas managed to snap one pic with me and the group before they gave us a farewell chant.  I can't remember all of it, but it ended with "Go confidently and be happy in whatever you do." It seemed like the most appropriate advice we've received from the locals considering parenthood


We also had the chance to meet our local guide.  She is fabulous and speaks English like a Texan. She has tried to give us a preview of tomorrow, but her main advice was to prepare for the worst and hope for the best.  She said that there may be lots of tears and emotions, but it will get better.  She also promised to take us out for an authentic meal tomorrow night, toddlers in tow.

It is fabulous to have the chance to share this experience with others and I feel as though we've made life long friends already.  Hopefully tomorrow's post is much more exciting with the real stuff you want, but they've said that the meetings can take a long time so the update may be a day later.
Special shout out to my fabulous brother who is keeping you all up to date.  They have blocked my blogger site so he's updating for me with the pics and notes I send.  He's the best!


  1. Hi Kayman and Douglas! I am SO excited for you guys on your adventure! I'm not able to view the pictures that you have put up, but I'm loving the updates. So glad to hear that you have met some nice people and are enjoying the trip so far. I can't wait for your next update!!! :) I've been thinking about you all weekend! Sending you love and prayers!

  2. We loved talking to you guys! I've cried off and on today just remembering the joy I felt when you arrived, making my twin a Mom at last. Now your on the same journey becoming a Mommy! I am overjoyed for you and Douglas!
