
Our precious daughter, Kirby, we are going to get!

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Kirby goes BLAAAAAA on Douglas!

Today was an adventure almost from the moment we walked out of our room. At breakfast I let her pick out what was for breakfast and she chose scrambled eggs and bananas. Two of them to be exact and I said sure. Well when you go from half a banana to two in one meal, it comes back to haunt little bodies and this case it did! She puked all over herself and her daddy when we were on a group outing to the zoo. And I took out her change of clothes yesterday. And packed a banana for her snack. We learned how to hold a baby, clean vomit and hide a banana all at once!
We arrived at the safari zoo and had a blast. They allow you to get right up next to the animals and feed the giraffes. We watched them toss raw meat to the bears and tigers and saw the baby pandas they are trying to raise.
We finished the day with dinner at a Mexican food restaurant and it was amazing. The food tasted great, but even more so because it was a change from rice and noodles and we were with two other adoptive families. It was a great day!
Tomorrow we go to the US Consulate to take her citizenship oath and apply for a visa. We also helped organize a Christmas Eve church service for all the families here. It should be another great day and then it's Christmas, pick up the visa Thursday and leave Friday!! We can't wait to be home even if it's been amazing. 


  1. Tonight we had Smith family Christmas. I got to show off Kirby's pics with Mom and Daddy. Everyone adored her and the joy we can see in your faces! Miss you! P.s. You handled the puke as well as a veteran Mom- clean the kid, the area around her and keep on with the days plan!! Cheers for Mom!!!

  2. It makes my heart so happy to be a part of watching you grow daily! So proud of you!

  3. OBsessed with these pictures!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
