
Our precious daughter, Kirby, we are going to get!

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Parenting Ain't for Sissies

Or at least jet lag isn't. Oh man are we tired. We are beyond thrilled to be home, but getting on a schedule has been a little bit rough. Our sleep-through-the night princess has decided she's not sleeping through American nights yet. Although last night was a big breakthrough and she slept from 1:00-7:30am. She only woke up a few times and as soon as told her we were right here in her room, she went right back to sleep. 
She is starting to display great signs of attachment, yet still scared as she realizes this might be permanent. I don't think she really knows what permanency is so it's a scary emotion for her to think about forever loving someone an having that in return. She looks to us for reassurance both at home and in a crowd and last night she met her Aunt Kelly and did great. She's also throwing temper tantrums from being so tired, but that is good. It shows she feel safe knowing we will love her even if she acts out. And we know they're over because she starts asking for us as she cries. 
She has taken a major turn of favoritism and decided that I'm the best and her dad is chopped liver. It's actually sad to watch and I'm hoping that as she gets more sleep, she will go back to being great with both of us. He's had to return to work and he comes home early yesterday and she wants nothing to do with him. It actually made me cry, but we are all so tired that it seems ok. 
At this point, we need prayers for sleep and sharing the love with daddy. He is the best and I want her to show him this. 

Arriving in the US and officially becoming a citizen

Checking out her new room


  1. I will definitely say a prayer for you guys! Love you!!!

  2. DYING over her dress!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tearing up at these pictures! I know you have just dreamed of having her home in her room and NOW SHE IS! :-) She seriously gets cuter every day! :-) I can't wait to meet her! :-)
